Tuesday, August 30, 2011

When Is It Over?

How can we know when a relationship is over?

That sounds silly and easy but come on, figuring out when to call it quits is nearly impossible

And the longer a bad relationship gets drawn out, the more it hurts

Good thing is- almost all of us have battled with this

Here are some questions to ask yourself to help determine, Over or not?

  • Are you more often happy or sad when with this person?
  • Is it easy to get into fights?
  • Does he/she normally really hurt your feelings and not even seem to care?
  • Do you see a long future with this person?
  • Do you share similar values/life goals?

In the end it's only going to be you and that other person deciding what to do

No one can really have an opinion about it because, they aren't in the relationship too!
So don't let what others say bother you

And if you are REALLY in a sticky situation (the relationship is 50% good 50% bad)

Ask yourself

Is the 50% bad worth going through to get the 50% good part?

If yes then congrats!

Remember: don't stick around in a relationship that you know isn't getting any better

A Kiss For You!


P.S.- No one has to be shunned out of your life if you decide they are not good for you, there always is the option of being just friends :)