Tuesday, August 30, 2011

When Is It Over?

How can we know when a relationship is over?

That sounds silly and easy but come on, figuring out when to call it quits is nearly impossible

And the longer a bad relationship gets drawn out, the more it hurts

Good thing is- almost all of us have battled with this

Here are some questions to ask yourself to help determine, Over or not?

  • Are you more often happy or sad when with this person?
  • Is it easy to get into fights?
  • Does he/she normally really hurt your feelings and not even seem to care?
  • Do you see a long future with this person?
  • Do you share similar values/life goals?

In the end it's only going to be you and that other person deciding what to do

No one can really have an opinion about it because, they aren't in the relationship too!
So don't let what others say bother you

And if you are REALLY in a sticky situation (the relationship is 50% good 50% bad)

Ask yourself

Is the 50% bad worth going through to get the 50% good part?

If yes then congrats!

Remember: don't stick around in a relationship that you know isn't getting any better

A Kiss For You!


P.S.- No one has to be shunned out of your life if you decide they are not good for you, there always is the option of being just friends :)

Saturday, August 27, 2011


Why is it so hard for people to be HONEST?

Being honest is almost so rare now a days that I just don't even want to trust anymore

People need to teach their kids when they are young to tell the truth no matter what

Not being honest is where girls get their hearts broken, where people get into even deeper trouble, and where trust is lost for a very long time

It is silly to not be truthful

Even to people you don't know

It's a very admirable quality to have, so start possessing it TODAY

Own up for what you've done, or make someone see the real you, all is possible with telling the truth

Save someone heartbreak over finding out you're a liar by NOT doing it

One thing is certainly agreeable by everyone: 

We all would like some more honesty more often!

A Kiss For You!


Saturday, August 20, 2011

Negative People

Do you know anyone that can just turn any situation into a crappy one?

They are absolutely the most annoying people to be around!! All they care about is drama

Not matter what, it is like it's physically impossible for them to just laugh something off and get over it

Keep yourself AWAY from people like that

and if you ARE like that, STOP immediately, you're pushing people away from you

Everyone wants to be around people that  make them laugh and that inspire them to see the good in everything

Be that person or get to know people like that

Who you surround yourself with greatly effects you


Be around good and good will come to you!

A Kiss For You!


Thursday, August 18, 2011

Follow Your Dreams

Anything you wanted to do but just never did it?

Have a secret passion for something but you never followed through with it?

Use all your time here on this earth chasing or doing what you love because if you don't
Then what's the point of even doing anything at all

Doing what you love makes your job not feel like a job

It makes all your time fun

It makes you feel fulfilled and happy

It is maybe the best thing you can do for yourself



A Kiss For You!


Monday, August 15, 2011

Kids Are Smarter Than Adults

Kids are younger than us yet they know more than us

They live happy carefree adventurous lives
while most of us struggle to be content and stress free

We have a lot to learn from children for sure!

But remember we were all kids once, we have the experience and knowledge to go back to that state of mind

A Kiss For You!


Email me, let me know what your thinking! kissynicole2@live.com

Answer my poll question located on the ride side of my bloggity, pwease ---->


Everyone has an opinion about everything

Everyone has a specific view on a subject

There are millions of different opinions out there

So in the big scheme of things, who is really right?

Can anyone ever be right?

Is there such a thing as being "right" on something?

I say listen to yourself and what you think, that is the best way to live your life

And if people think you are "wrong" there will always be a handful of others thinking you're "right"

So be happy doing your own thing!

A Kiss For You!


P.S. How about this: WE ALL ARE RIGHT! Now there is nothing to fight about ha

Saturday, August 13, 2011


Remember that we are all








to someone

A Kiss For You!


Thursday, August 11, 2011

Check Out Twitter

Twitter is a really fun social networking site that cuts out all the extra stuff like customizing profiles and "walls"

You can go on there and follow your favorite people

For example you can follow your favorite celebrity and see what they are saying instantly

Or you can also follow people who tweet inspirational quotes

That is a real mood booster!

That's very beneficial to your overall health to be reminded every so often of the good things in life

You can also connect with friends

It really is fun

I highly recommend creating a Twitter

A Kiss For You!


Check out my Twitter! twitter.com/Kissy_Nicole

Disapproval From Others

Hello again!

This particular subject really affects everyone!

It can be so frustrating when others like family or friends don't approve of the way you want to live when you are perfectly happy!

They should be supportive and should love anything you do but....

We are all not so lucky sometimes

Then how can you deal with this disapproval?

If they are willing to shun you and never speak to you again then hey, they are not worth the effort

If they simply lecture you or act differently in a negative way because of this thing or person then there is something you can do

Come up with valid reasons as to why you want to continue this thing and present them to that person in a non-argumentative way

And if that will not convince them then simply stop talking about this subject which they disapprove of

It avoids an argument and you can find someone else to talk to and confide in

Don't lay all your chips in on one person because when they reject you it will be that much more devastating

Instead confide in more than one person so there will always be a listening ear!

If you can't modify someone else, modify yourself because you are all you have control over

and most importantly make it a good habit to surround yourself with supportive loving people, family or friends!

A Kiss For You!


Bad Situations

I'm going to lay it out for you

If you are in a bad situation that you are miserable being in you have options

Change the situation, move away or get a job so you can leave for example

And if you can't change the situation.....

Make it your decision to stop caring

Things can only effect you as much as you let it

Regain that control and stop caring, stop listening, zone out when this bad situation starts to give you stress

The same thing can only upset you so often

Then after a while when the situation doesn't change and you are still getting upset, then it becomes your fault

Take back the control you deserve

Be happy everyone!

A Kiss For You!


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Some Positivity For You!


Guess what!

You are amazing! 

No one else is like you

Nothing lasts forever

People who hate are miserable on the inside

The weather is nice today

Everyone has a talent of some kind

You are able to read this right now

As long as you live, there will always be a new day to try it again :)

At least one person loves you, and that's me!

Never feel alone, email me: kissynicole2@live.com
follow on twitter: @Kissy_Nicole

A Kiss For You!



Anyone have a dog?

If you do you know how amazing it is!

They can be your very best friend, someone there to cry to, someone that won't judge just be there for you when you most need it

And it also makes it really fun to come home to that waggy tail and kisses!

If you don't have a doggy, I suggest going out and getting one as soon as possible

And if money is an issue, get a smaller dog, less food to buy, less poop to pick up

It's a win win!

Dogs help you live longer, they relieve tons of stress and they often do silly little things that will make you burst out laughing

Seriously consider getting a puppy!
Or thank your little guy that he is already with you, I know I'm thankful!

A kiss for you!


Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Just got done exercising and wow!

I am out of shape!

I bet you if you did some exercising too you would find that you too are out of shape as well

It seems so easy to just forget about exercising and go on with your lives

But honestly it is super important

Just exercising 3-4 times a week can knock out tons of diseases

It will keep you young!

Relieve stress!

Up your energy level

Help you look like a perfect 10 in a swimsuit

And most importantly it will make you feel so much better, mind and body

Take that time to exercise, in your own home even, there is no excuse!

Give yourself 20 minutes a day to improve your life

That's less time than one TV show!

Do whatever works for you and the benefits will be well worth it!

A kiss for you!


Monday, August 8, 2011

Are You Weird?

If you think you are "weird" or "different" or "crazy" from time to time then


You have broken the mold of boringness

Did anyone ever really listen to someone who was considered boring and normal?


The people that are considered to be "weird" are the people who change the world

And it is a special club not many can get in

Be proud that you are in this exclusive category!

A kiss for you!


Greener Grass

Listen up!

Never compare your life to others and go wishing you had their lives instead of yours

Because the grass is always going to be greener somewhere else

There will always be someone richer, more successful, happier, more beautiful than you, and more "SOMETHING" than you

Appreciate what you have because there could be someone out there wishing they had your life
Your house, your job, your kids

We all have lives worth envying by others!
Enjoy your own life, it's much more fun that way

(and guess what, by enjoying your own life, others will wish they had your life!)

A kiss for you!


The News And Negativity

Does anyone else see how negative the news is?

It is like they are incapable of reporting the good things that happen

For example recently I have heard the word "debt" maybe a million times on the news
They can not stop talking about how bad the economy is!

If you want to watch TV I suggest you watch happy things

By surrounding ourselves with words like "debt", "death" and other negative things then it subconsciously puts a dark cloud over us

Even if things aren't directly effecting you, our subconscious is still listening and soaks information up like a sponge

Keep the negative things out by making sure you are surrounding yourself with good things like comedies, good friends, pretty music, anything that creates a happy feeling for you

Do this and you will feel much healthier and happier instantly!

A kiss for you!!

Email me: kissynicole2@live.com


Friday, August 5, 2011

Settling In A Relationship

Why do we always settle?

Most relationships today have negative answers to "Do they make me happy?" "Do they respect me?" or "Do we have the same values?" "Am I satisfied in this relationship?"

There is a long list of fundamental questions to ask in a relationship to determine whether or not it is worth your time

Yes love is a big part but that's not all!

You could love someone who doesn't even like you so easily

It is about taking a look at how you feel in the relationship, if you feel amazing and great then it probably is

But if you are plagued with worries and stress then why stick around?

Life's short and wasting time with a person that doesn't deserve your time is stupid

We shouldn't settle for anyone, we should feel lucky!

Analyze the different parts of your relationship, each others values, each others flaws, look at how well you two work together

Remember it's not about being clones, it's about compatibility

Take an outside look at the quality of the relationship and be critical instead of lenient

Ask yourself obvious questions like if you are happy, if your needs are being satisfied

And just do not settle! The bond won't last that way and it is NOT worth it

A Kiss For You!

Email me with relationship questions! kissnicole2@live.com
