Friday, August 5, 2011

Settling In A Relationship

Why do we always settle?

Most relationships today have negative answers to "Do they make me happy?" "Do they respect me?" or "Do we have the same values?" "Am I satisfied in this relationship?"

There is a long list of fundamental questions to ask in a relationship to determine whether or not it is worth your time

Yes love is a big part but that's not all!

You could love someone who doesn't even like you so easily

It is about taking a look at how you feel in the relationship, if you feel amazing and great then it probably is

But if you are plagued with worries and stress then why stick around?

Life's short and wasting time with a person that doesn't deserve your time is stupid

We shouldn't settle for anyone, we should feel lucky!

Analyze the different parts of your relationship, each others values, each others flaws, look at how well you two work together

Remember it's not about being clones, it's about compatibility

Take an outside look at the quality of the relationship and be critical instead of lenient

Ask yourself obvious questions like if you are happy, if your needs are being satisfied

And just do not settle! The bond won't last that way and it is NOT worth it

A Kiss For You!

Email me with relationship questions!
