Monday, July 4, 2011


One thing you must do to be happy is stay in the present

It is extremely easy to get stuck on the past or get stuck in the "what if" of the future
(I know I have plenty of times....)

That will leave you wanting more always because you can't change either of those

What you can change is the present

The present is right here ready to be mold into whatever you like

Sure future goals are great but not when it becomes obsession and fearful
And sure remembering the past is nice sometimes but again not when it's an obsession

How do you stay in the present? It can be quite tricky

Take a look at what is happening right now
You could be listening to a song, working, playing with your dog, just breathing
Focus on that exact thing you are doing
Don't let anything else come into mind

When you start to practice this and get a firm hold on your thoughts then you can be a much happier and calmer person
Focusing on one thing at a time helps to center yourself immensely

A kiss for you!

Remember you can not have control over the past or future but you do have control over the now
