Friday, July 8, 2011

A Wonderful Thought......

A wonderful thought just popped into my head.....

When striving for your biggest most amazing fantastic dreams that would make you the happiest person alive,

You don't need to know how you will get there

That's the beauty of the universe, it figures out the "how"

You just need to get going

Start going down that road to your goals and all these opportunities will appear

Let's say you got in your car and went on a random road trip to go somewhere amazing
But you didn't know exactly how to get there....
You would check for road signs along the way not try and predict where to turn on your own (we aren't all psychic!)
That's half the fun of life, not knowing!

Quit trying to predict the signs and just get going!!!

A kiss for you!! Email me! Don't be shy!

Love you always,