Thursday, August 11, 2011

Disapproval From Others

Hello again!

This particular subject really affects everyone!

It can be so frustrating when others like family or friends don't approve of the way you want to live when you are perfectly happy!

They should be supportive and should love anything you do but....

We are all not so lucky sometimes

Then how can you deal with this disapproval?

If they are willing to shun you and never speak to you again then hey, they are not worth the effort

If they simply lecture you or act differently in a negative way because of this thing or person then there is something you can do

Come up with valid reasons as to why you want to continue this thing and present them to that person in a non-argumentative way

And if that will not convince them then simply stop talking about this subject which they disapprove of

It avoids an argument and you can find someone else to talk to and confide in

Don't lay all your chips in on one person because when they reject you it will be that much more devastating

Instead confide in more than one person so there will always be a listening ear!

If you can't modify someone else, modify yourself because you are all you have control over

and most importantly make it a good habit to surround yourself with supportive loving people, family or friends!

A Kiss For You!
