Monday, June 27, 2011


Ever wonder if you are in the right relationship?
It sucks not to be able to take a look at your relationship from an outsider's viewpoint
"Are you happy?" may be the easy question to ask but it's never that simple is it?

How invested are you in the relationship? All in or only giving some of yourself

Do your friends and family see that you are a better person with this significant other?

Can you picture your life without them?

How many times do you feel bad, cry, or are just stressed because of this person?
General rule of thumb is if you are upset all the time then it isn't right
That may be hard to accept but once you do you can start to heal, repair some emotional damage, and eventually move on and enjoy someone else that will make you feel great!

Do you two enjoy things together? Similar hobbies?
You need things in common to sustain a relationship

Look at your answers to these questions and really evaluate how this love is affecting you
Remember YOU are very important too, sometimes it's ok to be a little selfish

Try writing down a pro-con list of all the qualities and situations you've had with this person and see which side is larger. Writing it down can help show you from an outside view rather than all in your head.

Try using logic and emotion in a balanced way. Your feelings will certainly put up a battle in a relationship but don't let them get the better of you, you're in charge here!

Remember it's not all about if you love the person or not because it's easy to love someone that is completely wrong for you!

Ask me for relationship help! I'm super glad to advise anyone!
Email me: